
Monday, May 2, 2011

How To Do A Impossible On A Techdeck

Modern business management

modern enterprise management, today more than ever, is to focus its action on the conduct of its members and understand new values, new codes, new forms of "understanding others" to create scenarios to a particular direction.

Employers are beginning to see that change for change is not enough, that the key is in its human resources and its powers , that change begins with each individual, in every area of \u200b\u200bwork, but it is also necessary that the members of one undertaking to provide knowledge and skills that promote a culture of change and marked demands.

Hence the importance of developing pre-employment skills during the training period, a cross-cutting capacity building of institutions to bring knowledge to the scenarios of organizations to share responsibilities.

Currently, there are organizations that have incorporated in their policy actions the "continuous learning" because they believe as fundamental the option of establishing structures within an area of \u200b\u200breflection, "experience the experience of each member to understand the results. "

And in that way to grow, the organization must offer a new formation of the individual to show where it comes from and where it goes, how to develop your career with flexible and practical knowledge to help your versatility and teamwork unforced.

It's time to disappear training "as a tool for image" and emerges as a "sense of existence and efficiency" as a means of growth, allowing a more real human being in his job and higher quality in their relationships within their work environment . Only in this way the individual can commit to be understood, be recognized and make its potential. If we want to reconcile work and life, we must include in the work of human presence is missing ... Give the soul is to feel this presence .... Is to live fully what we do .. "

And this leads us to wonder whether managers always share the values \u200b\u200bof its people, its staff, if they understand their aspirations, their beliefs, desires and commitments . The answer lies in "learning to live in the company in times of change and missing values" to raise motivation and communication processes, understanding that these resources believe in their work and can enrich it with a collective performance.

spoken on many occasions, in the halls of companies, participation, shared leadership, clear objectives, but no nests always "listening", "the able to understand "," knowledge "recognize" the humanization of work "so that each individual can feel part of a shift from the breakdown of old cultures, old patterns.

And this situation is revealed not only inside but outside the organizational structure. Beginning the new millennium, young people watch more difficulties than opportunities when inserted in the labor market, and it is essential that new entrepreneurs can transmit a change thinking, behaviors that create more in the man, required skills and competencies not disposable to work with others and not from the other, help each individual within their habitat, and labor freedom to create their own dimension. Today, young professionals or those who want to enter the working world except perceived demands, but the perception may fall as real because it is ambiguous to sell that image.

know that new action scenarios apply new behaviors, new models that help to realize and understand what development opportunities exist, which are enhanced professional context, what each personal project to develop human resources again. And those nuances and questions many organizations develop and refine everyday processes of management skills, responding to demands fundamental about self-motivation on the job, improving personal relationships and work environment, being able to share information and clear objectives: to determine the vision and mission of the organization, communication needs to have its members understand the real situation of the company in the market, etc.

We are in search of new business cultures, where they can live the values \u200b\u200bof fair recognition, the sum of skills with responsibility, solidarity and acceptance of differences, the existence of a place work where it can create another and for the other, to share challenges with the company and not from the company, to build a common space in which the individual knows to exercise their autonomy, improve their skills and assume challenging roles.

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