
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Save Game Editor Port Royal 2

Pain is a subjective phenomenon is an unpleasant sensation indicating real or potential injury to a body part. It is a type called SURFACE SENSITIVITY together to touch and temperature.

As we perceive the pain, when a painful stimulus that excites receptors (small organs that receive stimuli and converted into nerve impulses) located throughout the body, called nociceptors. Information from these receptors travel through the spinal nerve impulses cord. This signal in the spinal nerve caused a reflex response that reaches the motor nerves and triggers a motor response in the area of \u200b\u200bpain (this is clear when you touch something hot in your hand and immediately removed). Finally, this impulse reaches the brain by different nerve fibers and that is where the person becomes aware of pain.

Pain has 4 components: nociceptive
: are sensory pathways conducting pain are the same for all individuals
Emotional : some structures related to the nervous system as the limbic system, structures associated with emotions
Sound: is making of awareness of pain, the painful sensation
Engine: is the reflected to which we referred above, the facial expression of pain, rubbing a body part eg. after burning

why the pain varies from one person to another even when the painful stimulus is the same, depending on the emotional state (before a painful stimulus of equal intensity, a depressed person feels more pain than a happy person); circumstances (a boxer in a fight for example.), etc.

Purpose of the pain is the body's defense mechanism, an alarm that tells us that something is happening or is about to happen, that something was injured, it makes the individual react trying to eliminate pain or further away than it produces.

A ALGI we call? (Back pain, sciatica, neck pain, knee pain, etc.) Is a painful persistent tendency to recur, it is not temporary.

There are many medical classifications of pain, we're going to classify according to the time evolution:
  • Acute: pain recently, suddenly, lasts a short time, such as a stroke or trauma
  • Chronic: is pain that lasts a long time, usually more than 3 months, for example poorly healed injuries that leave painful aftermath, conditions are not treated in time, etc.

And depending on where pain: Located

  • : sore spot in an area (eg. Contracture trapezius) Generalized
  • : pain in various parts of the body, sometimes diffuse (eg. In fibromyalgia)
  • Irradiated: pain that starts in one area and spreads to another (eg. sciatica)
painful stimulus (shock, burns, nerve root compression, etc .)----- - RECEIVER ------- ------- stimulates nerve fibers nerve fibers -------- -------- --------- BONE BRAIN

Pain is a symptom (eg. Cervicalgia mean neck pain may have several causes: arthritis, herniated disc, contractures, etc.), so it is important to a good diagnosis of the pain. Is not the same treat osteoarthritis contracture, although the 2 are cervicalgias.

Pain is subjective and can not be measured like a fever, so there are scales to measure it (see below visual analogue scales).

KINESIOLOGY AS IS PAIN: through various manual techniques such as massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy. Treatment depends on the type of pain, its characteristics, evolution, etc., The objective is inhibited by different mechanisms stimulating the nerve fibers (that carry pain sensation) lead to the brain and stimulate other nerve fibers that produce sedation. At the same time decreasing pain, trying to be the underlying problem. For example: it is less traumatic for a patient to mobilize a joint without pain if it was sore. Often pain therapy only solves a problem (eg. Contracture). It is also important pain therapy combined with relaxation techniques and techniques to combat stress.

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