
Thursday, November 3, 2005

Vacinas For Dogs Peteco

All equipment used for both sections of the magazine to the same POEMs are taken and translated with the permission of the BMJ publishing group. BMJ

Journal Sections:

Most lass sections of the magazine present the information in the form of POEM (Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters) translated from the original POEMs published in journals of the BMJ publishing group and discussed by students on topics of proven clinical significance. With a policy of presenting information in a way that is accessible to the general public and medical personnel, updated, applicable to our environment and not easily found in textbooks.

Each issue will cover topics focused on the theme of the issue or considered relevant in the following sections:
  • Prevention and treatment: update will address issues relating to the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Diagnosis: issues related to diagnostic methods applicable in our environment, whether innovative or proven or with respect to diagnostic methods currently used or considered as "gold standard" for diagnosis of a disease.
  • Forecast: different factors which have been found to affect the clinical course of a disease.
  • damage and pain: issues related to the causes, risk and actual harm caused to patients by health interventions applicable in our environment, whether innovative or proven.
  • Opinion: intended to include comments focused on the theme of each issue, made by students and by others who wish to express their views on the subject. It will touch approaches that may be controversial, the relationship of subject to the daily life of patients and health personnel, innovative methods, the situation in our country and others. Articles in this section are intended to be shorter than an editorial so that it can accommodate several on one page.

Presentation of manuscripts:

Methodology for the working group:
The POEMs are taken from the British Medical Journal and Evidence Based Medicine , both publications of the BMJ Publishing Group , group publisher with whom relations have been established and has the necessary permissions to use the information they published. POEM
Filing includes the following steps:

1. Choose a poem pool of journals which have agreements work. This must be relevant and important in our environment, must also contribute to improving medical practice in our country.

2. the poem to be translated into English.

3. The author must add a comment in colloquial terms, which must be less than 200 words and include three main themes:

  • present the main results in simple terms.
  • present the student's point of view it does. Submit
  • point of view of an arbitrator. The arbitrator must be a patient or user of health services as possible is bound in some way with el tema tratado en el POEM. Este es escogido en forma arbitraria por el autor el cual debe indicar el nombre de su arbitro. El árbitro tiene dos funciones fundamentales, la primera consiste en evaluar si el comentario realizado por el estudiante es lo suficientemente coloquial como para que la información pueda ser entendida y utilizada por los usuarios de los servicios de salud ; la otra función es conocer el punto de vista y el posible impacto de dicha información en la población que se vea afectada por las intervenciones presentadas.

4. Se debe agregar el nivel de evidencia del POEM de acuerdo con la escala del Centro de Medicina Basada en la Evidencia de la Universidad de Oxford.

5. El POEM se debe presented in the following format. Text

  • Garamond, size 12. Page
  • single column single space.
  • justify text on both margins.
  • Title in bold, point number 14. Subtitles
  • point bold number 12.
  • The comment should be placed after the title of the poem.
  • The level of evidence should be added after the clinical impact of scale POEM.
  • should be placed hyperlinks to the original article on PubMed and the original POEM Evidence Based Medicine.

6. The original poem and translation including the comment should be sent to where he began the process of editing.

editorial process comprises the following parts:

The editorial board consists of eight people divided into two working groups: a group of three editors (R3) is responsible for reviewing the text in three aspects: spelling, writing and translation based on the source. Another group of five editors (R5) other will analyze the relevance and usefulness of the content of the work, taking into account the MORE rating scale developed by the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford and McMaster University. For this stage, the editors have one week to make the necessary corrections and should deliver the result of editing the editor in chief, which unites the skills of the editors and sent a report to the author, which tells if it is accepted or not and why.

not accept any work that does not have the minimum requirements listed above at the beginning of this section.

At each stage of editing the editor may request advice by any other member of the editorial team as well as anyone that the editor deems valuable to the best evaluation the document.

Once the document has been approved by the editorial committee and will enter a list, which shall be elected for the next edition of POEMs with the highest scores according to the scale of MORE.

1: Organization of work

Print Cycle: The magazine is published every six months (March and September) the first Friday of the month.

Conflict of interest: The Journal Medical Practice no conflict of interest with any pharmaceutical company, medical institution or company, the magazine's primary purpose is to provide the best evidence to the general public about the best options available in the health field.

Advertising magazine advertising will which can be connected to either medical issues of diagnosis, treatment, hospital. Space will also be publishing companies or institutions outside medical services. The purpose of it will ensure the continuity of the print magazine as well as the website and its constant improvement, in order to maintain free access both media.

Economics: is intended that the journal is freely distributed

Distribution: The magazine will be distributed at major hospitals in the country, both public and private. The distribution will be undertaken by medical students at the University of Costa Rica that are part of the SOCIEMUCR. The goal is to get the information to medical personnel, nurses and patients in general. Also created a page posted on the Internet from which you can access the contents of the magazine with the aim of giving a wider exposure to international level.

Guest Editor: In each issue of the magazine will be invited someone with extensive experience and career in the health field in order that the person presents its prospects for the magazine and the content published in that issue. Solicitirá is a requirement to submit a document that declares the possible conflict of interest, which will be published together with this editorial.


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