
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Parts To Make Coyote Snare


The spine has normal curves: if we see from the front is nearly straight, are observed profile cervical and lumbar lordosis (with the concavity directed back) and thoracic kyphosis and sacrococcygeal (with the concavity forwards). If these curves are exaggerated can create postural problems and pain. If we see the column in front with a standard, usually at the back injury is called scoliosis, lordosis if we increase or decrease profile called lordosis in the first case or rectification in the second, if the curvature increases dorsal kyphosis is called, if called back plane decreases, the sacred to be composed of fused vertebrae may be more horizontal or plumbed, the standard is an intermediate position. Kyphoscoliosis is the combination of a scoliosis and dorsal kyphosis.

Most scoliosis are usually congenital (birth) and what is produced is a lateral deviation of the spine plus rotation of the vertebral bodies, which causes the bulge back ribs, forming a kind of "hump." There are varying degrees of severity of ecoliosis, according to the size or curves. These can occur anywhere in the column but The most frequent is the dorsal right / left lumbar (the curves are named for the convex side thereof). However if these conditions do not exist but the person also has a deviation is called scoliosis attitude and are countervailing attitudes to inequality of the lower limbs, posture vicious hip and pelvis (osteoarthritis), Attitudes antalgic (for pain), etc. It is based on the RX and Adams maneuver (see below) to determine if any of them.

The cervical correction is given by bad postural habits, excessive muscle tension, arthritis, sequelae of trauma, surgery, etc. The hyperlordosis neck is rare but occurs by muscle imbalances, heavy helmets, etc.

The kyphosis (curved back) can have various causes, are common in adolescence and postural disorders such as retraction of the hamstrings that lead to disturbances in the ossification of some dorsal vertebrae (Scheuermann disease) later in life advanced osteoporosis, rheumatic diseases, bad postural habits, etc. The flat back is usually given by postural changes or compensatory attitudes.

The lumbar lordosis occurs frequently in women because of compensatory attitudes muscle contractures at the hip (psoas muscle) leading to changes in the pelvis , pregnancy, wearing high heels, obesity and overweight, etc. The lumbar correction taken for tension and / or muscle imbalance, compensatory attitudes, rheumatic diseases, etc.

All of these disorders in turn bring other postural disorders eg. shoulder, hip, pelvis, etc. in addition to pain, limitation of motion, aesthetic problems and more.

disc herniation: the intervertebral disc (structure located between 2 vertebrae and forming a buffer cartilaginous allows movement between the vertebrae and acts as a ligament that holds them together, has a central part of the nucleus pulposus, the gelatinous surrounded by a fibrous ring) is displaced from its normal position and compresses the nerve root exiting the There are holes in the sides of the vertebrae, the press and produces a range of symptoms including pain, tingling, loss of strength, etc. (Eg sciatica.). Occur in the lumbar and cervical regions (zones mobile column.)

Spondylolisthesis: a condition in which a vertebra that is at the bottom of the column slides forward and over the vertebra below. (See below image). You can give back pain, sciatica, muscle contractures, etc. called spondylolysis a continuity solution (fracture) in a posterior vertebral arch interarticular called plaque. Both usually occur in the 5 th or 4 th lumbar vertebra. May have several wedges, congenital, traumatic, degenerative (osteoarthritis), etc. Spondylolysis leading to spondylolisthesis.

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