
Monday, January 17, 2011

How Much Do You Dilute Green Soap?

Talent Education What would be your ideal company?

The latter
decades coach is when the word has started to use in the business world to describe the professional accompanying the client, who is trained to achieve extraordinary results.

all rely on these three questions :

1. What would be your ideal company? Think about it.
2.Si have to assess your company from one to five (one as far away from the ideal situation and five ideal situation)
3.Si not in the five-What is missing to be in a five?

of the answers I've found to ask these questions of professionals, freelancers and owners of SMEs have been that they realized they had a self and what they wanted was a business, a profitable company .

Many of them had the feeling of being always overwhelmed, struggling against time, lack of resources, insufficient sales, the company trying to stay afloat and spending lots of time putting out fires. As almost everyone agreed is that they looked like "one-man band, playing all the instruments and just managed a melody tune.

Loss corporate vision

One of the consequences I have seen in a business where the results are not satisfactory is that often accompanied by a loss of business vision. Especially in times of crisis, as it happens, employers begin to perform many actions, make decisions hastily without thinking and just trying to save the momentary situation without worrying about their vision and, ultimately, for the ultimate reason that created by the company.

Can you imagine a boat that sails well, without direction and subject to the vicissitudes that are happening? What is the future of this journey? Who would you like this boat ? Most of these entrepreneurs are lonely and feel heroes. Understanding this hero as the protagonist who believes you have to get this project out front by himself. In some cases, not allowed to accept or ask for help.

However, paradoxically, when I ask these entrepreneurs for their ideal company. Most respond that I would like to continue running your business well, even when they are not. I would ask them to assess whether this type of heroes are effective in today's organizations. I mean heroes who do not admit that I do not know, I was wrong, you might not know everything and need help.

Having an executive coach

In these cases, it is valuable to an employer to have an executive coach. First, assuming you need help "clarify its vision and goal to be achieved, and then define an effective action plan to enable it to achieve, identifying whether there are any restrictions or obstacles that are preventing more effective results, and wondering if you can break these paradigms that can be limiting the growth of your business.

A majority of business owners who succeed are those who strive to continue learning and are prepared to undertake changes in their thinking and doing things and not hesitate to ask for help when they need

When the employer begins to think of this new form, it becomes a more effective manager who makes your company more profitable to develop and , without the need to personally perform all the functions required in day to day business. The entrepreneur starts thinking in a strategic manner, takes flight and takes a business more efficient role for and give their time in areas that generate greater value to the company.

executive coaches accompany entrepreneurs to overcome the difficulties they face in conducting their businesses and achieve a very specific set of objectives, making it the employer who implements the simple actions tools and practices, so that in a given period of time can be achieved in a way the goals have been proposed.

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