Western culture, my, our, we impose the fees which could be followed, and if for whatever circumstance you do not do that as the mass, is winning praise from the majority of people like that or what does what must be done. I I refer in particular to the issue or Latvian bed for children. That too many pediatricians require poor parents to do absolutely the poor child sleep in Latvian, as if this was due to some kind of future misfortunes ...
Then in reality and in most families happens that after a certain time the children go to sleep in Latvian hugged and cuddled in mom and dad.
Certainly the quality of marital life is affected a little, but I assure you that after a day's work, always rushing to get home quickly and embrace your child, groped to cook something edible, with a small, adorable creature attached to your leg like a shadow that follows you, it is difficult to have an intense life of any kind, whether in the evening then managed to take a shower and spend a half ' hours relaxing in the bathroom is already so much and what you want most is to spend a quiet night and sleep. With my son I tried to make him sleep in the bed, and he finally woke up every hour and loved my good night's sleep and went to that country. So after reading and re-read many books, one of these I found that we Westerners want to remove our children from us too soon, for work, dates and times dictated by phantom from the frenetic pace of life in Africa for example, the kids are sleeping and being with their mothers breastfed for up to two years if not more, this also happens in Asia and Latin America, I do not think that these children grow up safe or less independent than their western counterparts.
So after careful thought (a few sleepless nights spent to try to sleep in his bed Peter) we (I) decided to make him sleep between us (since the late risers always to comfort the child I am ), with great benefit for our sleep and tranquility.
Good night my Love
(Peter had in this photo only two weeks)
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