
Sunday, November 15, 2009

How To Masterbate Guys

The investiture of the young warriors

In ipso council principum vel aliquis vel pater vel close at hand scuto frameaque iuvenem ornant: haec apud illos toga, hic primus iuventae honos; ante hoc domus pars videntur, mox rei publicae. Insignis nobilitas aut magna patrum merita principis dignationem etiam adulescentulis adsignant: ceteris robustioribus ac iam pridem probatis adgregantur, nec rubor inter comites adspici. Gradus quin etiam ipse comitatus habet, iudicio eius quem sectantur; magnaque et comitum aemulatio, quibus primus apud principem suum locus, et principum, cui plurimi et acerrimi comites. Haec dignitas, hae vires, magno semper et electorum iuvenum globo circumdari, in pace decus, in bello praesidium. Nec solum in sua gente cuique, sed apud finitimas quoque civitates id nomen, ea gloria est, si numero ac virtute comitatus emineat; expetuntur legationibus muneribus ornantur enim et et ipsa plerumque profligant good reputation.


In a ceremony or some of those principles or the father or relatives honor the young man with a sword and shield. With them this is like the toga of manhood, this honor is the first of his youth: the first of what appear to be only part of the family, since they are part of the state. The nobility (the house) of the sign or the great merits of the fathers give them the degree of Prince during their adolescence, the remaining aggregate to more mature and have long been approved (the well known reputation), and it is no disgrace to be Watched among the passengers. The rank has the same rather than stock (not capita), in the opinion of what is covered (the nobles). It's a great game (there), and between carers, so that the first concern is with the Prince (be the closest to the prince), and within the standards, so that carers are among the most bitter and numerous. This is (considered) dignity, they are forces to be surrounded always with the greatness and the multitude of young people elected to (ability) garrison during the war, or for their dignity during times of peace. It's only in people, but also in the neighboring peoples, this is the glory and fame, if we boast of the number and the virtue of the action, because (the leaders) are sought in the embassies, onorati con doni e il più delle volte con la loro stessa fama risolvono le guerre

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